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Hear from coach Mikelann Valterra about the "money fog," making better decisions, female-specific financial challenges, money personality types, and more.
April 10, 2024
Hear from coach Mikelann Valterra about the “money fog,” making better decisions, female-specific financial challenges, money personality types, and more.
Take a look at 10 things to do now for a financial “spring cleaning.” Ensure your financial plan is on track for the new season.
If you’re wondering whether retiring at 62 (or earlier) is the right thing to do, click here for 12 reasons why you really should go for it.
Yes. You might pay taxes on Social Security. Learn what to expect (federal, state and work penalties) and explore ways to reduce the expense.
Explore average inheritance numbers. Find out if you can you afford retirement and a financial legacy and get tips regarding what to leave behind.
Behavioral finance can show you how to be happier, wealthier and achieve a better retirement. Explore 16 rules of thumb for a better future.
Here are a few commonly misunderstood financial terms across investments, taxes, insurance, retirement, and estate planning.
Learn about passive investing and explore why the approach is more cost efficient and produces better outcomes than active management.
Explore how can you make better decisions by categorizing your financial problems as either a muddy puddle or a leaky ceiling.
Daniel Kahneman made profound contributions to behavioral finance and likely to how you manage your money.
Many of us are terrified of jumping into retirement. We read about the retirement crisis and worry about our own finances, but millions of people retire every year and report feeling great about their lives. Is it possible that you should Keep Calm and Retire On? How Worried Do You Need to Be About the…
Investment costs can be easily reduced without compromising returns. Follow these low cost investing guidelines.
There is surprising buzz around Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy. See how Stoic wisdom can help you achieve financial wellness.
Reducing expenses is a good way to deal with inflation. Here are 24 tips to make it a little easier to cut costs.
The numbers of people experiencing money dysmorphia are rising. Find out about this condition and what to do about it.
Are you aware of just how much investing is costing you? Explore all the fees associated with your mutual funds and ETFs.
Are you “lucky” enough to have to worry about #3? Did you remember #5? Explore all 10 tips on this tax season checklist.
Average retirement spending for those over 65 is $48,872 a year. See average spending in specific categories and how to project your own needs.
Learn about the value of restricted stock units and how to use this compensation to your financial advantage.
Explore 10 things to think about – lifestyle and financial factors – when considering the best state for retirement.
Are you in a tax friendly state for retirees? Explore the best states for taxes and review the income and sales tax rates in all 50 states.
Noted financial planner Cody Garret discusses his passion for empowering people to get educated and build comprehensive financial plans.
Explore how different philosophical and cultural definitions of time can provide insights into your financial decision-making process.
Take financial wellness into your own hands and do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable.