Emmitt was preparing to retire after a long career as a civil engineer.
Emmitt had spent time simulating his retirement plan with products from
Fidelity and Vanguard, but still didn’t feel like he had a clear picture of how
much he needed to create the retirement he wanted. After his sister-inlaw
was swindled by a financial advisor, Emmitt was wary of leaving his
planning decision up to anyone beside himself.
After creating his initial retirement plan with NewRetirement, now Boldin, Emmitt ran
several What-If scenarios to determine how his financial security would be
impacted under a number of different conditions. As it turned out,
Emmitt’s plan was sustainable even with inflation, varying rates of return
and a pessimistic market projection. Now Emmitt uses NewRetirement’s
Key Dates tool to ensure that he’s always on time with his planning
strategies, and sleeps better at night knowing he’s making the right
decisions for himself and his family.
“[Boldin, formerly NewRetirement] is a powerful yet easy to use tool. I discovered [Boldin, formerly NewRetirement] as my wife and I started the retirement phase of our life. Using NewRetirement, we were able to gain a clearer understanding of our financial
situation. I recommend [Boldin, formerly NewRetirement] to individuals who are inclined to manage their own finances and/or use this
tool to back-check information their financial advisors give them.”