Happy Retirement

Planning your future financial wellness needs to address with whom you spend your time, what you’ll do, where you’ll live, and also your purpose or how you’ll find meaning for this time of your life.

The happiest retirees have a plan for how to spend their time. More importantly, they understand the habits and and mindset required to stay vital, connected, and satisfied with life. Retirement depression and boredom is a real thing, but it is easily combatted with the right outlook and routine.

Get tips for celebrating retirement and planning a happy retirement. You deserve it!

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Retirees Giving Back

Retirees Giving $8 Trillion to Economy Through Charity

Planning ahead for everyday expenses in retirement—from weekly groceries to monthly bills—is something in which many soon-to-be retirees are fairly well versed. In order to maintain a comparable lifestyle to what you’ve lived up until retirement, you know approximately how much money you’ll need each year. But if you haven’t considered how much you might…

December 1, 2015
retirement travel

7 Questions to Ask if Retirement Travel is Part of Your Future

Who hasn’t dreamed about walking away from a lifetime of punching the clock, packing a bag, and seeing the world? Retirement travel isn’t just for the rich and famous, and you’re certainly not restricted to the Continental U.S. Some of the most average of people visit faraway destinations, but they don’t get there just by…

November 11, 2015
Plan for retirement

12 Lifestyle Blogs That Help You Imagine a Happy and Healthy Retirement

There’s certainly no shortage of retirement blogs, but many, if not most of them, focus on financial matters. That’s important, but not everything in retirement revolves around money. That’s like saying once you retire, you’re only interested in saving money, keeping money, investing money, and worrying about money. Not all retirement blogs have such a…

October 6, 2015
healthy retirement

5 Ideas for Finding the Fountain of Youth in Retirement

A happy retirement is a healthy one. And health is usually considered a youthful trait. So are happiness and youth unattainable in retirement? Hardly. It just takes a different approach than it might for someone in their 20s. Retirement doesn’t have to mean slowing down and getting soft in the middle. You can help preserve…

August 19, 2015
Planning for retirement

Planning for Retirement? Remember to Have Some Fun!

Planning for retirement should not just be about how to pay your bills once you retire. You have worked most of your adult life, and chances are, you have been waiting for retirement to come. Take advantage of the time away from work to do things that you have always wanted to do and enjoy…

June 24, 2015
Volunteer opportunities

Expert Interview with Sven Mauleon About volunteer opportunities overseas for retirees

Retirement needn’t mean the end – it can also mean the beginning of something new. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to try out things you never had a chance to while working in your first career while helping out the needy in the process. Sometimes, it can even lead to a second career. Openmind Projects…

May 5, 2015

Planning for Retirement Travel Around the World

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain You don’t want to regret not seeing the world.  Retirement…

May 1, 2015
Volunteering during retirement

Expert Interview with Lacey Worel About Volunteering During Retirement

Volunteering after retirement can be a win-win situation. It gives you a chance to do good work that you’re passionate about and that you might not have had time to do when working at your career. It can also open doorways to a second career, either full or part time, while helping people, all at…

April 3, 2015

Expert Interview with Michael Nuschke on the Future of Retirement for boldin.com

Financial planner Michael Nuschke quotes hockey great Wayne Gretzky when asked what we can do to better prepare for the future of retirement: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” The Retirement Futurist has made it his job to study and…

October 28, 2014

What Are Your Plans for Staying Young in Retirement?

What do you play?  Share your plans and ideas for staying young in the comments section below. (And visit the Boldin Calculator to make sure you can afford the fun.)

September 4, 2014

Here’s to Just Doing it While You Can!

I am Griffin.  My Dad is the founder of this web site — boldin.com.  He and I recently spent a few days hiking in the Sierra and we met some inspiring retired people What do you plan to do in retirement? Rachel here has decided to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, one of the longest trails…

June 25, 2014

Age is Only a Number; Amazing Accomplishments by 70, 80 and 90 Year Olds

Old age is often considered a time of decline, but older adults around the world are filling their golden years with amazing accomplishments. Scroll down to watch five inspiring videos that prove life doesn’t end after 50. 1. The Rockin’ Runner Most people won’t ever run a marathon, but in June 2014, Charlotte, N.C. resident…

June 25, 2014

Boldin Planner

Take financial wellness into your own hands and do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable.