Aging Well

Find tips for staying mentally, physically and emotionally healthy and happy as you age.

Life and life after retirement is better when you feel great. And while aging isn’t anyone’s favorite thing in the world, it is getting better all the time. Many are living younger, longer, and better lives than ever before.

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Staying Healthy for Retirement

According to a Merrill Lynch study, more than 80% of today’s retirees say health is the most important ingredient for a happy retirement, meaning that the majority value good health even over financial security. 98 tips for a Healthy and Wealthy Retirement Here are 98 retirement tips and tricks. Explore useful advice for a healthy,…

September 30, 2015
Advances in longevity

Expert Interview with Chad Tew about Advances in Longevity

If you’re on a quest to find the fountain of youth, the good news is that the journey starts and ends with you. “The tried-and-true techniques are still the best: don’t smoke, maintain a healthy weight, get up and move, live a life of moderation, and maintain meaningful connections to people you care about,” says…

July 12, 2015
Stay active in retirement

4 Ways to Stay Active in Retirement

Retirement is the time to relax and enjoy a slower pace, but you still need to remain active in order to stay healthy. Sir Isaac Newton said that a body at rest tends to stay at rest while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. The more often you get up and get…

November 28, 2014

5 Health Tips for Your Happy Retirement

Almost all of today’s retirees — 81 percent — say that good health is the most important ingredient for a happy retirement.  Protecting your health in retirement means staying as active and stimulated as possible. Sitting still isn’t what protects your well being; but challenging your body and your mind can. Here are 5 ways…

November 12, 2014

Soak Up the Sun? Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Alzheimer’s and Other Recent Health News (Stroke, Chocolate, Exercise…)

The journal Neurology recently published compelling research showing a strong association between low Vitamin D Levels and the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The study, led by Dr. David Llewellyn at the University of Exeter Medical School, found that study participants who were severely deficient in Vitamin D were more than twice as likely…

August 7, 2014

There is a Retirement Healthcare Crisis: Be Prepared

Many people are all too familiar with the past few years’ economic crisis, but fewer realize that there’s another, potentially worse dilemma looming: the retirement healthcare crisis. As the nation’s 78 million Baby Boomers head toward retirement age, federal budgets for Medicare and Social Security are expected to be strained. At the same time, many…

June 23, 2014

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