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Retirement Savings and Investments

Separating Your Rainy Day Fund from Your Retirement Savings

Don’t let a rainy day dampen your retirement plans. Saving for a rainy day and saving for retirement aren’t the same thing at all. In fact, if you want to keep your retirement safe and sound, the two should never meet. According to State Farm, over half of Americans don’t have any emergency savings to…

October 7, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

Retirement Planning: How to use Home Equity to Insure Your Retirement

We all worry about money and our financial future. And if you are approaching retirement, then your concerns are probably heightened. In today’s financial environment, few things are sure. In retirement, you require your existing assets to be stable and predictable, since you are not making money from work (or making less from work). For both…

October 3, 2014
Retirement planning Retirement Planning

What Can Fantasy Football Teach You About Retirement Planning?

One of your favorite pastimes could teach you a lot about retirement planning. Retirement planning isn’t a game, but it doesn’t have to be dull, either. You can make it as interesting as you want without risking too much, and you might also learn a thing or two by taking some calculated chances. For example,…

October 2, 2014
Retirement calculator Retirement Planning

AT What Age Can I Retire? The Financial Gurus Answer

Retirement might not be on the minds of people in their 20s or even their 30s, but there does come a time when everyone wonders: “When should I retire?” Retirement readiness depends a great deal on how well you’ve prepared financially. But there are other factors to consider, including whether you want to retire at…

October 2, 2014

What is the Right Age to Purchase an Annuity?

Annuity purchasers are getting younger. And for a good reason, financial planners say. “We’re seeing more knowledge around annuities, and more younger people are using them,” says Chad Noyes, managing director and financial advisor of Chicago-based Hoopis Financial Group, a member of MassMutural Financial Group. An annuity – a type of insurance product that pays out…

October 1, 2014
Retirement Jobs

Changing Careers at 50 or After: 3 Tips for Doing it Right

Many Americans are planning to work into retirement, or to return to work after retiring. Seventy-five percent of Americans expect to work for as long as they can, and 39% say it’s because they like to work, according to a recent Bankrate Financial Literacy poll. One-third, or 32% of Americans say they’ll continue working because…

September 26, 2014
Financial Advisors

To Find the Best Financial Advisors, Ask These Questions!

Good financial advisors can usually improve the finances of almost anyone. But when money is exchanged for a service—especially a service involves your personal finances — there are important considerations for choosing the right professional. You want an advisor who is ethical and has your best interest in mind. Add to these considerations the fact…

September 25, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

Your Guide to Reverse Mortgage Counseling

Reverse Mortgage Counseling Can Help You Make the Best Decision for You Reverse mortgage HUD counseling is not only required but is an important part of securing a reverse mortgage. Here is your guide for how to find an approved counselor and what to expect from the counseling. What is the purpose of reverse mortgage…

September 24, 2014
Retirement Planning

Planning for Retirement: At 22, You Are Not Too Young! (And You Are Never Too Old)

Saving $2,000 per year towards retirement starting at age 25 instead of age 35 will yield an additional $315,000 at retirement, assuming an 8 percent annual rate of growth. If you or a young adult in your life need any convincing that putting money into retirement savings should be made a priority, Bobby Lee, founder…

September 23, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

5 New Solutions for Reverse Mortgage Cons and Misconceptions

A reverse mortgage is not a one-size-fits-all product, but it can be a useful way for many people in retirement to offset mounting costs or simply provide an emergency resource by using home equity. However, there have been some perceived cons — downsides — to the product, some of which have raised the attention of…

September 19, 2014
Retirement Planning

Expert Interview with My Money Design on Tips for Retiring Early for boldin.com

If there’s one conventional idea about retirement that the anonymous personal finance blogger behind My Money Design wishes people would re-examine, it’s that they don’t have to wait until they’re 59 ½ to retire.“There are plenty of other ways you could retire early and bridge the gap between now and then,” he says, adding that you could…

September 17, 2014
Retirement Planning

Financial Planning for Retirement: Why You Should Maybe Jump on In and Retire

Most Americans facing retirement today say they are not confidently prepared for financing their golden years.  But a new study finds retirement maybe more comfortable than pre retirees think it will be. The outlook from those already retired is positive.  According to a survey of 401(k) and IRA contributors conducted by global investment management company…

September 16, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

New Reverse Mortgage Rules: Reverse Mortgage Age Requirement Changes for Married Borrowers

Reverse mortgages can offer home owners a convenient way to tap into their home’s equity to make more money available to be used however you wish. The loans have helped many people fund retirement. To get the basics of how reverse mortgages work, continue here. However, if you are married and either you or your…

September 12, 2014
Retirement planning Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning Advice: Quick Tips for Different Decades of Your Life

Here is easy retirement planning advice for all phases of life.  Retirement Planning Advice In Your 60s DO Revisit or create a solid budget and real retirement plan.  Assess all of your expenses, income sources and all of your assets — including home equity. It is not too late to get everything in order.  Consider…

September 11, 2014
Retirement Financial Advisors

4 Ways a Financial Advisor Can Help You Plan for Retirement

As you approach retirement, the financial decisions you make now could mean the difference between comfort and stress as you age. Luckily, financial advisors are available to help ensure that you make the right decisions to enjoy your retirement days. Here are 4 ways a financial advisor can help you effectively plan for retirement. Do…

September 9, 2014
Retirement Jobs

Expert Interview with Dave Starr on Empowered Retirement for boldin.com

The smartest thing anyone can do to prepare for retirement is to start early – long before you need it – and to look for sources of income that will sustain you after you’ve officially retired, says Dave Starr, the founder of RetiredPay.com.Even if you have the promise of a comfortable pension, that is no excuse…

September 5, 2014
Retirement Savings and Investments

How Much Should I Save for Retirement?

While a hard and maybe scary question, it is critical for those approaching retirement to get a really good answer: How much should I save for retirement? With healthcare costs expected to be over $200,000 for the average 65-year-old couple retiring this year throughout their retirement, it’s important that consumers come up with a concrete…

September 5, 2014
Happy Retirement

What Are Your Plans for Staying Young in Retirement?

What do you play?  Share your plans and ideas for staying young in the comments section below. (And visit the Boldin Calculator to make sure you can afford the fun.)

September 4, 2014
Retirement calculator Retirement Savings and Investments

Why it’s Never Too Soon to Use a Retirement Calculator

What will your retirement fund look like when it’s time to leave the work force? Will you have enough money saved up for the golden years? How much should you be saving each month to ensure that you’ve got a nice financial cushion at retirement? Answering these questions can be done easily with the use of…

September 4, 2014
Budgeting & Spending

Top 5 Sources of Retirement Income

Generating enough income to live comfortably during retirement is one of the biggest challenges that every American may face later in life. The Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) reports on the top-five retirement income sources. They found that Social Security tops their list. In fact, research shows that 65% of Americans age 65 and older receive…

September 3, 2014
Financial planning Retirement Planning

Financial Planning Advice from the Experts

Financial advisers are everywhere, but some stand out with book deals, YouTube channels and big book deals. These men and women have years of experience, and make their careers from guiding clients, readers and listeners toward sound practices that will help them eliminate debt, build wealth and secure a comfortable retirement. Some of these experts…

September 3, 2014

5 Things You Need to Know about the New Longevity Annuity

If the recent recession taught pre-retirees one thing, it’s that a comprehensive, diversified approach to retirement planning is paramount. Even those who were well prepared with longstanding 401(k) plans or Independent Retirement Accounts (IRAs) found their investments took a hit during the economic downturn. Some people have considered additional products such as annuities to help…

September 2, 2014
When to retire Retirement Jobs

When to Retire? 5 Reasons to Delay Retirement

“Freedom 55” was the rallying cry for decades of people working toward an early retirement… However, over the past few years, the U.S. labor market has seen a continual increase in the number of working individuals older than 55 who are delaying retirement. Why is this change happening? What factors are influencing why retire-aged people…

September 2, 2014
Annuity Annuities

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Purchase an Annuity

Should you buy an annuity? Investing your capital and planning for retirement are important practices, but there are a ton of options out there for how and where to park your money to realize potential growth in the future. Simply put, an annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company. You essentially give…

September 2, 2014

Boldin Planner

Take financial wellness into your own hands and do it yourself retirement planning: easy, comprehensive, reliable.