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Pensions, Retirement and Savings Pensions

Expert Interview with Ros Altmann about Pensions, Retirement and Savings

Dr. Ros Altmann of PensionsAndSavings.com is known as a consumer champion and has spent a good part of her career “highlighting financial injustice, helping ordinary members of the public pro bono and explaining complex financial or economic issues for the layperson.” With her vast experience and strong knowledge base, her insight on retirement and investment-related…

November 2, 2014
Planning for retirement Retirement Planning

Expert Interview with Janet Stanzak, President of the Financial Planning Association

The Great Recession has definitely altered the way Americans spend and save money, says Janet Stanzak, president of the Financial Planning Association. More Americans are living within their means and have reduced debt to improve their balance sheets, and we’ve also increased savings to provide for job loss and emergencies. When it comes to investing,…

November 2, 2014
Money management strategies Retirement Savings and Investments

Expert Interview with Philip Taylor on Money Management Strategies for boldin.com

A majority of Americans have changed how they manage their money as a result of the Great Recession, says Philip Taylor, founder of PTMoney.com. On the positive side, we’re saving more and have less interest in taking on a lot of debt. But on the other hand, we’re more reluctant to become home owners and…

November 2, 2014
Frugal living and planning for the future Budgeting & Spending

Expert Interview with Natalie McNeal on Frugal Living and Planning for Your Future Retirement

Natalie McNeal turned being smart with money into a career: She’s the editor of The Frugalista and is always looking for a smart way to save a dollar for the future. She spoke with us about how to change how we view money and better plan for the future. Do you think we spend too…

November 2, 2014
Retirement planning Retirement Savings and Investments

Expert Interview with Catherine Alford on Retirement Planning for Younger Workers

As the Budget Blonde, Catherine Alford is all about saving and keeping your finances in good shape, and that includes retirement planning. She spoke to us about how younger workers should fit retirement into their sometimes tight budgets. What are some common misconceptions you’ve seen about saving for retirement? Many people believe that retirement is…

November 2, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

Video: How Does a Reverse Mortgage Work?

A common question from retirees is: “how does a reverse mortgage work?”  You can read articles about the topic, but we hope that this video will help you understand this complex product.  Watch below for a clear explanation of a reverse mortgage and find out how reverse mortgages compare to other home equity products. About…

October 30, 2014

How Does an Annuity Work: Debunking the Myths

Annuities are often misunderstood, and the resources for defining them can be overwhelming. AARP found that half of surveyed workers described themselves as not too or  not at all familiar with lifetime annuities. “Annuities have a bad reputation among some people — but not necessarily a well-deserved one,” says TIAA CREF in a recent advice…

October 30, 2014

Expert Interview with Sheryl Moore About Competitive Intelligence and Retirement for boldin.com

Sheryl Moore is the creator, founder, president and CEO of Wink, Inc. After seeing a hole in the insurance industry, Sheryl began developing an idea that turned into the successful company, Wink. Not only did she create a thriving business, but she has also put an energetic, expert team together to offer the best in…

October 29, 2014
Happy Retirement

Expert Interview with Michael Nuschke on the Future of Retirement for boldin.com

Financial planner Michael Nuschke quotes hockey great Wayne Gretzky when asked what we can do to better prepare for the future of retirement: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” The Retirement Futurist has made it his job to study and…

October 28, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

Reverse Mortgage Information: Why the Wealthy Should Use Reverse Mortgages

Reverse mortgages have long been heralded as an option for people who are “house rich” and “cash poor.” But today that tune is changing. Not only are reverse mortgages being recommended for people who have more home equity than they do savings, but also for those who, quite the opposite, have plenty of money invested…

October 28, 2014
Budgeting & Spending

Expert Interview with Jason Vitug on Being Financially Literate for boldin.com

If you ask Jason Vitug, financial literacy is the single most important issue in America, impacting our life and economy. “The unfortunate reality is that we aren’t taught about money at school,” he says. “We learn how to calculate the circumference of a circle but not about compound interest.” And while government organizations and nonprofits…

October 24, 2014
Retirement Savings and Investments

Overcome Your Fear of Running Out of Money: 5 Steps for a Secure Retirement

Americans fear running out of funds in retirement even more than public speaking, suggests a recent report.  So, how to overcome that fear?  Should you imagine yourself in an old folks home with everyone else in their underwear (like pretending your audience is naked when you are making a speech)? Um… no.  Those images probably…

October 24, 2014
Dividend investing retiring early Retirement Savings and Investments

Expert Interview with Jason Fieber on Dividend Investing and Retiring Early for boldin.com

Jason Fieber is a man with a goal: He wants to retire at 40. Just how he’s making that happen is the thrust of his site, Dividend Mantra. He spoke with us about making the goal and making it work. It’s a goal of yours to retire at 40. What are the strategies you use…

October 23, 2014
Improving your financial literacy Retirement Planning

Expert Interview with Vince Shorb on Improving Your Financial Literacy for boldin.com

Vince Shorb’s answer to the question “How literate are Americans when it comes to their money?” is sobering. “Most Americans are financially illiterate,” the CEO of the National Financial Educators Council says. “They never received a financial education and lack the knowledge necessary to make financial decisions that are in alignment with their goals.” Money…

October 23, 2014
Retirement planning for beginners Retirement Savings and Investments

Expert Interview with Christopher Holdheide on Retirement Planning for Beginners for boldin.com

Christopher Holdheide knows from personal experience how tough it can be to handle your finances; he was inspired to become a financial services expert and found his personal finance blog Stumble Forward thanks to buying a time share he just couldn’t get rid of. Personal experience informs his perspective, and he was happy to share…

October 20, 2014

How to Get Out of Debt? The Financial Gurus Answer

Retirement planning is a lot easier with the weight of debt off your shoulders. Some debt is almost unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t clear it away, and smooth your path forward. All it takes is a plan, and the stick-to-itiveness to see it through. If you’re trying to hone in on the best…

October 17, 2014
Retirement planning Retirement Planning

Expert Interview with Colin Williams on Expert Retirement Planning for boldin.com

Colin Williams has worked almost every aspect of the financial planning industry, starting as a financial advisor and working his way up to top management at major financial firms. Currently, he’s sharing insights on personal finance and retirement planning as the founder and key contributor to Humble Savers. He spoke with us about planning retirement…

October 16, 2014
Housing and Home Equity

The Best Places to Retire? You Might be Surprised

Where are the best places to retire?  If you are choosing a location based on weather and golf courses, the answers from a recent analysis by Bankrate about the best states to retire may really surprise you. Bankrate ranked states using health care, cost of living, crime rate, tax burden and weather.  Using these criteria…

October 15, 2014
Budgeting & Spending

Expert Interview with Miron Lulic on Planning Your Retirement the Right Way

Miron Lucic always thinks ahead. On his blog SuperMoney, he’s constantly on the cutting edge of retirement planning, among other financial topics. He laid out for us how to plan for your retirement while balancing your other financial needs. What are some mistaken beliefs about retirement planning you often see? Probably the most common misconception…

October 15, 2014
Retirement planning Retirement Planning

How Much Money Do I Need to Retire? It Depends on These 3 Factors

Retirement isn’t a static thing, and your retirement needs aren’t either. How much will you need? Nobody can say with 100 percent accuracy. There are too many factors to consider. But good retirement planning advice helps you cover all your bases. Retirement spending isn’t the same from person to person, but neither is it the…

October 14, 2014
Retirement calculator Retirement Planning

5 Questions a Retirement Calculator Can Answer for You

Using a retirement calculator can help ease some of the stress of retirement planning. One of the biggest questions people want an answer to is “When can I retire?” There’s a lot to factor in — it hinges on everything else, but a retirement calculator can help. No retirement calculator is perfect, but it can help…

October 13, 2014
Retirement Planning

Expert Interview with Claire Tak on Planning for Retirement for boldin.com

As one of the top editors at My Bank Tracker, Claire Tak is an expert in retirement planning and figuring out what you need to save. She spoke with us about how to plan for retirement the right way. What are some common misconceptions you see about retirement planning? One of the biggest misconceptions folks…

October 10, 2014
Retirement financial planning Financial Advisors

Study Shows Retirement Plans With Advisors Yield Better Results

Retirement plan advisors help make the plan more efficient. It almost seems to go without saying. Retirement plan advisors help retirement plans perform better. And that’s what a recent study by EACH Enterprise, LLC, and Transamerica Retirement Solutions Corporation has revealed. A survey of retirement plan sponsors that work with an advisor found that over…

October 9, 2014
Reverse Mortgages

Reverse Mortgage Facts: 3 Reasons These Loans Are Growing in Popularity

Reverse Mortgage Facts: Reasons these loans are growing in popularity. Reverse mortgages are not for everyone. But, as more and more Americans retire, they are likely to be more and more popular as a way for people to tap into their largest asset as they age. Until recently, reverse mortgages have been portrayed by the…

October 8, 2014

Boldin Planner

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