Proven Results Take Financial Wellness into Your Own Hands Get organized. Feel better about your money. Improve your wealth and security. Create your free account I only want a Simple Retirement Calculator. Go beyond savingsand investments Sure, savings are important but so are taxes, current and future income, where you live, debt, how you spend your time, what you spend money on and more. Get started now Get reliable answers: It’s easy and free to get started Simple calculators aren’t reliable. Financial advisors cost thousands. We’ll walk you step by step to reliable and thoughtful answers about when to retire and how much you need. Create your account Improve your financial decision making and take meaningful action Run scenarios. See the impact of paying off debt, saving more or reducing taxable income. Free to get started Discover how to do better Get personalized suggestions for how to retire earlier and be wealthier and more secure. Feel confident about achieving the future you want. Get started now Boldin is loaded with features Roth Conversion Explorer Get a personalized strategy for how much to convert and when. Social Security Explorer Assess the optimal time for you to start benefits. Tax Insights See your state and federal estimated taxes for every future year. Budgeter You can’t know how much you need without a detailed future budget. Document how your expenses will change over time. Coach Suggests Using artificial intelligence, the Planner will assess what might be wrong and how your plan can be improved. Chart Library Over 20 charts, including Monte Carlo analysis. Gain insight into (and confidence about ) your money and future security. Proven results… 70% do better Grow future net worth 85% feel better Improve peace of mind 90% learn more Boost financial IQ See what subscribers have to say “It is so robust and much more sophisticated than anything else out there.” Holly from Lakeland, FL “Having the ability to model taxes is huge. I want to stay in the 12% bracket and the software helps me plan that.” Jan from Idaho Falls, ID “Boldin is helping guide my Roth conversion strategy. So helpful.” Armin from El Cerrito, CA “I am a big fan. The thoroughness made me feel confident about retiring early. (I had Schwab run my numbers. They had only 25% of the detail offered by Boldin.)” Kathy from Johnson City, TN “I’m a financial planning professor and suggest this to many of my students as a valuable tool.” Prof from Pasadena, CA “More thorough and just better than the so called 'plan' created for me by my advisor. And, when something changes in my life, bingo! I use the tool and make sure I still live longer than my money! ” Steve from Bristol, CT Try the Boldin Planner Now AS SEEN ON